Branislav Hruška, PhD.

Scientific background: 

  • Specialist in the identification of materials mainly by Raman spectroscopy.

International projects:

APVV SK-PL–18– 0062, Corrosion of historic glass, 2019/2021, responsible researcher.

 National projets:

  • VEGA 1/0064/18, Corrosion and weathering of commercial glass, 2018/2019, member of the research team.
  • VEGA 1/0527/18, New inorganic formulations based on stoichiometric aluminates and silicates with long-term light emission for optical and biomadicine applications, 2018/2019, member of the research team.
  • VEGA 1/0431/18, Relationship between composition, structure and properties of inorganic-organic nanocomposite layers for material protection, 2018/2019, member of the research team.
  • VEGA 1/0021/23, Systematicstudy of the influence of corrosion factors on structural changes of glass used for biomedical purposes, 2023, responsible researcher.
  • VEGA 2/0091/20, Structure and properties of ion-doped bioactive glasses with potential therapeutic and therapeutic effects, responsible researcher.
  • APVV-21-0016, Study of the kinetics and degradation of the native surface of functional glasses, member of the research team.
  • European Regional Development Fund itms: 313011R453, 2019/2021, Independent research and development at the Center for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass, member of the research team.

Publication activity:

  • Publications in scientific journals: 32
  • Contributed lectures at conferences: 46
  • Citations: 130
  • Other types of publications: 20

 The most significant publications :


  • B. Hruška, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and surface‑active components of barium crystal glass.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023) (IF: 4.400)


  • M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Pecušová, B. Hruška, M. Hujová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Effect of lithium doping on the glass transition behavior of the Bioglass 45S5. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 594, 1-7 (2022) (IF: 3.500)
  • Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Hruška, A. Osipov, L. Osipova, B. Pecušová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Thermokinetic behavior of the Al2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 576, 121230 (2022) (IF: 3.500)


  • B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, M. Chromčíková, E. Greiner-Wtona, J. Smolík, V. Soltézs, M. Liška: Raman spectroscopic study of corroded historical glass. International Journal of Applied Glass Science 12, 613-620 (2021) (IF: 2.087)
  • Chromčíková, B. Hruška, R. Svoboda, M. Liška, A. Nowicka, E. Brunell, K. Buysser: Indentification of surface active components in glass forming melts by thermodynamic model. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 551, 120415 (2021). (IF: 3.500)


  • B. Hruška, R. Dagupati, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Michálková, J.A. Peterson, M. Liška, F. Munoz: Structure and Raman spectra of binary barium phosphate glasses. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142, 937-942 (2020). (IF: 4.400)
  • M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, R. Svoboda, M. Liška: Structural relaxation and viscosity of Al2O3 doped magnesium phosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 550, 1-8 (2020) (IF: 2.929)


  • M. Chromčíková, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, B. Hruška, M. Liška, R. Svoboda: Thermodynamic model and high temperature Raman spectra of Na2O-B2O3 glassforming melts. Jallcom 798, 700-705 (2019) (IF: 4.650)
  • B. Hruška, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, M. Chromčíková, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of BaO-B2O3 glasses, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY. 105, 102970, (2019) (IF: 1.953)
  • B. Hruška, Z. Netriová, Z. Vasková, M. Boča, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška, High-temperature Raman study of K2ZrF6 phase transitions, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol.: 791, 45-50, (2019) (IF: 4.65)


  • B. Hruška, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, M. Chromčíková, A. Černá, M. Liška, Thermodynamic model and high-temperature Raman spectra of 25Na2O·75B2O3 glass forming melts, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. 133, 429–433. (2018).
  • A. Černá, B. Hruška, D. Tokarčíková, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška, Optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and AFM study of heavy weathered surface of barium crystal glass, CHEMICAL PAPERS. vol. 72, p. 2153-2158 (2018).
  • A. Černá, M. Chromčíková, J. Macháček, B. Hruška, M. Liška, Viscosity and configuration entropy of glasses for CHROMPIC vitrification, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. 133, 365–370. (2018).


  • M. Chromčíková, E. Gašpáreková, A. Černá, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Structural relaxation of lead and barium crystal glasses, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. (n.d.). (2017).


  • CHROMČÍKOVÁ, M., HRUŠKA, B.,  HOLUBOVÁ, J.,  LISSOVÁ, M.,  LIŠKA, M.: The Raman spectra and structure of PbO-WO3-P2O5 glasses. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF GLASSES-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GLASS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART B. – ISSN 1753-3562. – vol. 57, No,1, p. 32-36. (2016).


  • CHROMČÍKOVÁ, M.,  LIŠKA, M., ZEMANOVÁ, V., PLŠKO, A., HRUŠKA, B.,  GAVENDA, T.: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of CaO-P2O5 glasses. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. – ISSN 1388-6150. – vol.121, No.1, p.269-274. (2015).

Study part: Profile subjects:

Inorganic technologies and materials I and Inorganic technologies and materials II


Atom structure and chemical bond theory, Infrared and Raman spectroscopy

Scientific part:

Supervisor of PhD. students

Experimental work I-IX, Publication activity I and II, Active participation in a conference I and II


  • 2013 PhD. – Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín, Structure and spectral properties of glass-ceramic materials based on binary rare earth aluminates.
  • 2009 Ing. – Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín, Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Studying the characteristics of borates-alum-silicate glasses, with composition close to E – glass, doped Fe2O3

Awards, scholarships and research stays:

Člen kolektívu oceneného cenou rektora TnU A.D. v Trenčíne za najvyšší finančný prínos v zmluvnom výskume pre podnikateľský a verejný sektor za rok 2015

Ing. Branislav Hruška, PhD.
Ing. Branislav Hruška, PhD.
Central Laboratories Department

Tel.: +421 32 7400 556
Office: n. 309