Ing. Jozef Kraxner, PhD.

Scientific background:  

  • Inorganic technology and materials
  • Glass Science Technology
  • Basic, advanced and applied research in field of glass and ceramics

The main research interests are glass properties, mainly in connection with the glass science and technology and cooperation with the glass industry in the following main research topics: optimalization and energy efficient glass melting and finning process, energy savings by reduction of heat losses and waste heat recovery, glass melting with low emissions, corrosion of refractories and also preparation of new materials from waste glass such as glass and glass-ceramic foams, solid, hollow and porous glass and glass-ceramic microspheres for various application and preparation of glass-ceramic materials based on YAG by hot press technique.

 International projects: (name of the project, your position)

  • FunGlass (FunGlass – Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass)

Publication activity:  

  • Publications in scientific journals: 17
  • Invited lectures: 1
  • Citations: 89

The most significant publications (if you have too much, it can be from the last 5 years, and please sort it according to year):

1.       Kraxner, J., Chovanec, J., Haladejová, K., Petríková, I., Galusek, D.Hollow polycrystalline YAG microspheres by flame synthesis(2017) Materials Letters, 204, pp. 181-183. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2017.05.108

2.       Chovanec, J., Svoboda, R., Kraxner, J., Černá, A., Galusek, D.Crystallization kinetics of the Y3Al5O12 glass(2017) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 725, pp. 792-799. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.07.191

3.       Šimurka, P., Kraxner, J., Vrábel, P., Paučo, T.Corrosion of AZS refractories – Source of defects in tableware glass(2016) Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 37 (1), pp. 89-102.

4.       Prnová, A., Domanická, A., Klement, R., Kraxner, J., Polovka, M., Pentrák, M., Galusek, D., Šimurka, P., Kozánková, J.Er- and Nd-doped yttrium aluminosilicate glasses: Preparation and characterization(2011) Optical Materials, 33 (12), pp. 1872-1878. DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2011.03.008

5.       Klement, R., Kraxner, J., LišKa, M.Spectroscopic analysis of iron doped glasses with composition close to the e-glass a preliminary study(2009) Ceramics – Silikaty, 53 (3), pp. 180-183.


Study part: Profile subjects:

Inorganic technologies and materials II


History of glass production, properties of glass and glass- forming melts, Glass production technology, Excursion,

Scientific part:

Supervisor of PhD. students

Experimental work I-IX, Publication activity I and II, Active participation in a conference I and II

Dates October 2005 – September.2008
Title of qualification awarded Doctor of Philosophy – PhD.
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Inorganic technology and materials,

The topic of PhD thesis “Physical properties and thermodynamic models borosilicate glasses and melts”

Name and type of organisation providing education and training Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín – Faculty of Industrial Technology

Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia

Dates September 1999 – June 2005
Title of qualification awarded Master degree
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Material Engineering,

The topic of thesis “Viscosity and physical properties of selected zirconia containing silicate glasses”

Name and type of organisation providing education and training Faculty of Industrial Technology

Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín

I. Krasku 491/30, 020 01 Púchov



Awards, scholarships and research stays:

Research Stays: ·      Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Ghent, Belgium, 2011

·      Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV-CSIC), Madrid, Spain, 2012

Additional education and certificate: ·      Summer school – Glass – organized by The International Commission on Glass (ICG) for new researchers in glass science and technology in Montpellier, France (26 – 30th July 2010)

·      Certificate of training course of new trends on spectroscopic methods, Slovakia (13 – 16th November 2006)


Other activities:

  • Membership in professional organizations, societies, organization committees:
    • Member of the:
      • Slovak Silicate Society
      • European Cerramic Society
      • Slovak Glass Society
Ing. Jozef Kraxner, PhD.
Ing. Jozef Kraxner, PhD.
Head of Department of Glass Processing

Tel.: +421 32 7400 540
Office: n. 406