Administration Department

Administration department provides administration support in personnel management, financial management, administrative project management, IPR (Intellectual property rights) management, reporting to European Commission and government bodies, procurement activities and mediation of contacts with industrial partners.

It provides also support in research related administration, including financial and administrative support of project preparation and implementation. Special part of Administration department is European projects office which is in charge of management of the relationships with European Union and Horizon2020 and in contact and communication with European offices.

Administration staff:

Peter Hošták, PhD.; Head of the administration department

Mgr. Marcela Brodová; Personnel manager

Mgr. Peter Fraňa; Procurement & Project Implementation Assistant

Ing. Ingrid Hierwegová; Accountant

Andrea Chrastinová Kalinayová, PhD.; Manager of EU projects

Ing. Lucia Kuníková; Financial manager

Eva Konečná, Assistant of project manager

Mgr. Vanda Mokráňová; Admin project support and procurement

Ing. Lucia Semaňáková; Procurement & Project Implementation Assistant

Monika Šandrejová, MBA; Project manager

Ing. Marek Šedivý; Research infrastructure coordinator

Mgr. Daniela Vavrová; Assistant to the director

To learn more about department staff, click here.

department staff