Department of Functional Materials

The Department of Functional Materials focuses its activities on the research, development and characterization of glass-based functional materials with special attention paid to functional glasses with luminescent properties, new types of inorganic phosphors and fully transparent/luminescent glassy or glass-ceramics materials applicable for efficient HB-LED devices used in energy saving lighting appliances. Strong cooperation with the Laboratory of Glass Science of Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University Jena led by prof. Lothar Wondraczek, respected personality in the field, gives momentum to research activities. Among the other fields of interest belong the super-efficient optically active materials: paramagnetic glasses, super-spin glasses and anisotropic glasses with high optical non-linearity.

Head of Department:
Dr. Jose Joaquín Garcia Velázquez


Dr. Robert Klement, Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Iryna Matsukevich, Researcher

Dr. Orhan Sisman, Researcher

Dr. Michal Žitňan, Researcher

Dr. Suryakanta Rana, Researcher