Joint Glass Centre (Vitrum Laugaricio, acr. VILA)
The VILA department, as a joint laboratory of the TNUAD, IIC SAS and FChPT STU focuses its activities at the study of fundamental relations between composition, structure and physical properties of inorganic non-metallic materials, with special focus on oxide glasses and glass forming melts. In addition to that the department is focused at development of new types of glasses and transparent polycrystalline ceramics with special functional, especially optical properties, and utilization of chemical methods for modification of their surfaces and properties.
Department has the rights to provide the education in:
Master study program (title „Ing“ – „Engineer“) – Inorganic Material and Glass Chemistry and Technology
Doctoral study program (title „PhD“)- Inorganic Technologies and Non-metallic Materials
Habilitations and Inaugurations (getting title „associate professor“ and „professor“) in the field of Inorganic technology and materials.
Head of the Department:
Prof. Dušan Galusek, DSc.; Researcher
Prof. Marek Liška, DSc., Dr.h.c.; researcher
Dr. Mária Chromčíková, Assoc. Prof.; Researcher
Dr. Monika Michálková; Researcher
Dr. Anna Prnová; Researcher
Dr. Ali Talimian; Researcher
Dr. Peter Švančárek; Researcher
Dr. Jana Valúchová; ResearcherDr. Ali Najafzadeh, Researcher
Dr. Beáta Pecušová, Laboratory technician
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