
About vmokranova

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So far vmokranova has created 674 blog entries.

Incoming student funded from SAIA starts his research stay at FunGlass

Incoming student funded from SAIA starts his research stay at FunGlass In February 2024 Abhishek Dheeven has joined our FunGlass centre as a part of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the support of Mobility of Students hosted by SAIA. Currently, Abhishek is pursuing a second year of Master of [...]

2024-03-19T14:39:25+01:00March 19th, 2024|

Empowering European Projects: Insights from REX REM Conference

Empowering European Projects: Insights from REX REM Conference During 5-6 March, 2024, our European Projects Team represented by Monika Šandrejová, Lucia Kuníková and Michaela Matejová joined the Closing conference of REX REM project that took place in Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The theme of the conference was focused on Rising excellence [...]

2024-03-12T15:24:32+01:00March 12th, 2024|

Interview with Prof. Dušan Galusek in the Slovak Spectator

Interview with Prof. Dušan Galusek in the Slovak Spectator The Slovak Spectator published an interview with Prof. Dusan Galusek about the fascinating story of FunGlass center, about its development of the center from humble beginnings to significant success, about the possibilities in glass and ceramic research and their application to our lives and [...]

2024-03-05T13:10:41+01:00March 5th, 2024|

Congratulations to Avnee Chauhan on Receiving Grants for Research Collaboration with Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany

Congratulations to Avnee Chauhan on Receiving Grants for Research Collaboration with Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany It is with great pleasure that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Ph.D. student, Avnee Chauhan, on being awarded the JECS Trust grant from June to August 2023 and the Erasmus Plus fund from December 2023 to February [...]

2024-03-04T13:07:28+01:00March 4th, 2024|

PhD call is OPEN – 2nd round – !Application deadline: April 7th!

PhD call is OPEN – 2nd round The Funglass center is looking for candidates for doctoral studies. It is possible to choose from 11 topics from various fields, some of them are in cooperation with our partner institutions. For interested parties, this creates a unique opportunity to study in the research centre created by [...]

2024-02-28T08:53:15+01:00February 28th, 2024|

CEITEC and FunGlass Project Managers at Widera Excellence Hubs Online Workshop

CEITEC and FunGlass Project Managers at Widera Excellence Hubs Online Workshop CEITEC BUT and FunGlass Project Managers attended panel discussion session of Widera Excellence Hubs Online Workshop organised by Metacities Excellence Hub and NCP_Widera.NET Both project managers of GlaCerHub - Andrea Chrastinová and Blahomír Skoupý participated in Session B: Panel Discussions of the Widera Excellence Hubs Online Workshop this [...]

2024-02-23T14:40:42+01:00February 23rd, 2024|

New Paper on Innovations in Gas Separation with Metal-Organic Framework Membrane Films

New Paper on Innovations in Gas Separation with Metal-Organic Framework Membrane Films Science doesn’t stop. For that reason, we are happy to share new paper "Gas-Separating Metal-Organic Framework Membrane Films on Large-Area 3D-Printed Tubular Ceramic Scaffolds" at Small Structures journal (IF=15.9), as a result of the fruitful collaboration between researchers of the Otto Schott [...]

2024-02-22T13:46:58+01:00February 22nd, 2024|

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities: A Visit from Assoc. Prof. Vlastimil Hotař

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities: A Visit from Assoc. Prof. Vlastimil Hotař At the beginning of February, we hosted Assoc. Prof. Vlastimil Hotař from the Department of Glass Producing Machines and Robotics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Liberec (TUL), as part of the Erasmus+ program. Our institutions, FunGlass and TUL, share interests in [...]

2024-02-08T14:47:32+01:00February 8th, 2024|

Welcoming Three New Researchers to the FunGlass Team

Welcoming Three New Researchers to the FunGlass Team Since last December, three outstanding researchers have joined the FunGlass team: Dr. Iryna Matsukevich to the Department of Functional Materials, and Dr. Junjie Zhao to the VILA Department and Dr. Anusha Sekar to the Department of Coatings. Here's a brief introduction to each of them. [...]

2024-02-28T15:15:27+01:00February 5th, 2024|
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