
Hossein Hosseini’s return from Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research in Jena

Homecoming from training: Hossein Hosseini´s return from Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research in Jena These days, our PhD student, Hossein E. Hosseni, has returned to FunGlass after completing a one-year training stay at the Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. During this period, he [...]

2023-11-20T22:22:37+01:00November 20th, 2023|

GlaCerHub project presented at LIMACON2023

GlaCerHub project presented at LIMACON2023 GlaCerHub's communication activities have already crossed the Czech and Slovak borders. The GlaCerHub project consortium is working hard to create an ecosystem encouraging close collaboration between industry, academia, local government and the non-profit sector. The project ambition is to drive the virtuous innovation cycle and instigate economic growth [...]

2024-02-06T10:18:41+01:00November 16th, 2023|

SAS MOST project meeting in Taipei

SAS MOST project meeting in Taipei Between November 11-14 Prof. Dušan Galusek visited the National Taiwan University in Taipei, to participate in a progress meeting of the project SAS-MOST ‘Transforming bioinert to bioactive through surface Engineering’ (BioSurf), funded jointly by the Slovak Academy of Science and the Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology. [...]

2023-11-16T12:29:11+01:00November 15th, 2023|

Laser ablation training given by Dr. Markéte Holá from Masaryk University, Brno

Laser ablation training at FunGlass At the beginning of November, we were delighted to welcome to our centre Dr. Markéta Holá from the Laboratory of Atomic Spectrochemistry, Department of Chemistry within the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University. Dr. Holá offered training in laser ablation for Department of Central Laboratories.  Sessions with Dr. [...]

2023-11-24T16:37:50+01:00November 14th, 2023|

New PhD call is open

New PhD call is OPEN The Funglass center is looking for candidates for doctoral studies. It is possible to choose from 22 topics from various fields, most of them are in cooperation with our partner institutions, and one is directly connected to cooperation with industry (Rona company). For interested parties, this creates a [...]

2023-11-16T12:27:26+01:00November 14th, 2023|

Collaboration between CEITEC and FunGlass in exploring advanced ceramics

Collaboration between CEITEC and FunGlass in exploring advanced ceramics At the beginning of November, we welcomed to FunGlass Lucie Pejchalová, who works at CEITEC in Brno, in the research group Advanced Multifunctional Ceramics, led by Prof. Karel Maca. The main focus of her dissertation is the preparation of porous bioceramic scaffolds and their [...]

2023-11-16T12:41:24+01:00November 13th, 2023|

FunGlass at the PACRIM15 & CICC-13 in Shenzhen, China

FunGlass at the PACRIM15 & CICC-13 in Shenzhen, China Between November 5 and November 10, 2023, Prof. Dušan Galusek participated in the 15th Pacific Rim Conferences of Ceramic Societies, organized by the Chinese Ceramic Society in line with the 13 International Conference in High-Performance Ceramics. Based on the invitation of the session chair, [...]

2023-11-13T09:42:04+01:00November 13th, 2023|

The Joint Annual Meeting of the Slovak Silicate Scientific–Technological Society and the Workshop on Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Glasses

The Joint Annual Meeting of the Slovak Silicate Scientific–Technological Society and the Workshop on Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Glasses On October 26-27, 2023, the Joint Annual Meeting of the Slovak Silicate Scientific–Technological Society and the Workshop on Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Glasses took place at the Congress [...]

2023-11-05T07:41:52+01:00November 5th, 2023|

Call for projects within the FunGlass Internal PhD Grant Scheme – Potential Support for Participation in the 2nd School of Glasses and Glass Ceramics in São Carlos, Brazil

Call for projects within the FunGlass Internal PhD Grant Scheme - Potential Support for Participation in the 2nd School of Glasses and Glass Ceramics in São Carlos, Brazil FunGlass is pleased to announce the opening of the call within the FunGlass Internal PhD Grant Scheme, which aims to support the participation of first [...]

2023-11-03T15:16:27+01:00November 3rd, 2023|

The story of the GlaCerHub project presented at the transnational seminar of the Technology Center in Prague

The story of the GlaCerHub project presented at the transnational seminar of the Technology Center in Prague On October 17, 2023, Peter Hošták (Head of administration and European projects office) took part in a hybrid transnational seminar organized by the Technology Center in Prague (Transnational seminar on Excellence Hubs and ERA Chairs 2023 [...]

2023-10-24T11:10:50+02:00October 24th, 2023|
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