
FunGlass researchers at GAMS 2022 in Paris

FunGlass at the Global Advanced Materials & Surfaces International Conference 2022 Our researchers Assoc. prof. Mária Chromčíková, Dr. Aleksandra Nowicka and Dr. Branislav Hruška (CEGLASS, ITMS code 313011R453) successfully presented their scientific results  in poster session at the “Global Advanced Materials & Surfaces International Conference (GAMS 2022)”: Nowicka: Surface degradation study of historical crown glasses [...]

2022-11-22T13:19:37+01:00June 17th, 2022|

Successful defense of habilitation thesis of Dr. José J. Velázquez García

New associate professor at FunGlass We are pleased to announce that, following the defense of the habilitation thesis entitled: Nanostructure Oxyfluoride Glass-ceramics: Relationship between synthesis, processing and structural and optical properties held on 21st April 2022, the Scientific Board of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín approved on May 26, 2022 the recommendation of the [...]

2022-11-22T13:19:44+01:00June 15th, 2022|

Maryam Vakhshouri´s minimum thesis exam

Minimum dissertation exam of our PhD student Maryam Vakhshouri It is pleasure for us to announce that our PhD student Maryam Vakhshouri has successfully passed the minimum dissertation exam, which took place on June 8th at 10:00 a.m. in B114 room (B building). The presentation of dissertation project  Advanced materials with eutectic microstructure [...]

2022-11-22T13:19:52+01:00June 14th, 2022|

FunGlass School Čertov, spring 2022

FunGlass School Čertov, spring 2022 The spring edition of the FunGlass School took place in a picturesque place named Čertov from June 1st till June 3rd 2022, with a record number of 66 attendees. Three days full of knowledge sharing, discussions, presentations, and fun were prepared for FunGlass researchers, Phd Students, administration staff and FunGlass [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:00+01:00June 13th, 2022|

FunGlass at the Department of inorganic materials alumni symposium Silitech 2022

FunGlass at Silitech 2022 It is a standing tradition dating back for more than 50 years that the alumni of the Department of inorganic materials (before the Department of chemical technology of silicates) of the Faculty of chemical and food technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava meet at a small [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:08+01:00June 10th, 2022|

Junior FunGlass school received IYOG grant funding

Junior scientists at FunGlass again (July 11- 15, 2022) The "junior FunGlass school (jFGs)" organized by the Department of Central Laboratories , aims to promote and bring material science to children the age ranging from 6 to 10. They become junior scientists experiencing lectures and a laboratory environment. The jFGS is planned to [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:16+01:00June 9th, 2022|

Dr. Surjyakanta Rana and Dr. Orhan Sisman as Topic Editors for Frontiers in Chemistry Journal (submission deadline is *25 August 2022*)

New research topic “Functional One-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications” of the open-access journal Frontiers in Chemistry (submission deadline is *25 August 2022*) Our researchers Dr. Surjyakanta Rana and Dr. Orhan Sisman are serving as Topic Editors with Dr. Necmettin Kilinc for the Research Topic entitled “Functional One-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy and [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:24+01:00June 8th, 2022|

FunGlass participation at the 1st Conference of the European Society for Bioresorbable Implants- ESBI 2022

FunGlass participation at the 1st  ESBI Conference The first ESBI Conference  was held from 18th – 20th of May 2022 at the Danube Private University in Krems, Austria. The aim of conference was to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, physicians and research scholars to exchange their expertise on all aspects of Bioresorbable [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:32+01:00May 27th, 2022|

Dr. Zulema Vargas as Guest Editor for a Special Issue of Bioengineering

Dr. Zulema Vargas as Guest editor for a Special Issue of Bioengineering We are pleased to announce that our researcher Dr. Zulema Vargas from the Department of Biomaterials was invited as Guest Editor for a Special Issue: "Recent Advances in the Application of Nanoparticle Synthesis and Bioprint" that belongs to the section "Nanotechnology [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:40+01:00May 26th, 2022|

Honorary Doctorate conferred on Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (FAU) in Finland

Honorary Doctorate conferred on Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (FAU) in Finland The degree of Honorary Doctor of Philosophy was conferred on Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany), member of FunGlass scientific board, at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Turku, Finland. The Honorary Doctor degree is in recognition of his successful research in [...]

2022-11-22T13:20:48+01:00May 25th, 2022|
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