
YCN – webinar series (6-MAY, 15:00)

YCN webinar: We would like to inform you about YCN webinar series (6th Webinar) organized on 6th May 2021 (15:00-16:00 CET). Link for registration:

2022-11-22T14:41:04+01:00March 16th, 2021|

Meeting with CVTI Bratislava about Horizon Europe Calls

Horizon Europe Calls: On 15th March, Dr. M. Michalek, Dr. J. Kraxner and Mgr. P. Otrubcak discussed with Mgr. E. Hlavata (Horizon Europe National Contact Point - Cluster 4) and Mgr. Lucia Davidova (Horizon Europe National Contact Point - EIC) options of future participation of FunGlass in Horizon Europe Calls, especially in Cluster [...]

2022-11-22T14:41:12+01:00March 16th, 2021|

FunGlass Scientific Board meeting

FunGlass Scientific Board meeting: On 12 March, 2021, the Scientific Board of FunGlass project held its regular annual meeting. As a year before, given the situation related to corona virus spreading, we could not meet our partners personally at FunGlass Centre. The meeting was held via electronic communication tool. The Scientific Board meeting was [...]

2022-11-22T14:41:21+01:00March 14th, 2021|

COVID 19 – instructions

What to do if you are positive for Covid-19 or you have been in close contact A COVID-19 positive person  Epidemiological measures currently in force: A disease positive person is a person who has been notified of a positive test result from the time the positive test result is reported until the time [...]

2022-11-22T14:41:31+01:00March 14th, 2021|

New articles published by FunGlass scientists

New articles published by FunGlass in February: González-Rodríguez, J.; Fernández, L.; Vargas-Osorio, Z.; Vázquez-Vázquez, C.; Piñeiro, Y.; Rivas, J.; Feijoo, G.; Moreira, M.T.: Reusable Fe3O4/SBA15 Nanocomposite as an Efficient Photo-Fenton Catalyst for the Removal of Sulfamethoxazole and Orange II. In: Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 533. Abstract: Today, the presence of recalcitrant pollutants in [...]

2022-11-22T14:41:40+01:00March 11th, 2021|

How to improve participation of Slovakia in Horizon Europe (17th MAR 2021)

Horizon Europe: Radi by sme Vás pozvali na e-podujatie Ako zlepšiť účasť Slovenska v programe Horizont Európa, ktoré sa uskutoční 17.3.2021 od 13:00 do 16:00 a sledovať ho môžete na uvedenom linku: Podujatie bude pozostávať z 2 blokov, v prvom sa bude diskutovať o bariérach väčšej účasti slovenských subjektov v programe Horizont 2020 a v druhom bloku sa predstavia [...]

2022-11-22T14:41:51+01:00March 10th, 2021|

Introduction of National Contact Points for Horizon Europe (10th MAR 2021)

Predstavenie Národných kontaktných bodov pre program Horizont Európa, ich činnosti a jednotlivých oblastí programu: Dňa 10. 3. 2021 v čase od 9:00 do 12:00 organizuje Národná kancelária Horizontu podujatie s názvom: Predstavenie Národných kontaktných bodov pre program Horizont Európa, ich činnosti a jednotlivých oblastí programu: . Podujatie bude verejne dostupné na uvedenom linku [...]

2022-11-22T14:42:10+01:00March 10th, 2021|

Ongoing long-term trainings of FunGlass researchers in Padova (Italy)

Long term training at the University of Padova Despite the unfortunate Covid-19 pandemic situation, two of our colleagues have left for their one-year training stay at our partner institution. Dr. Akansha Mehta and Dr. Paulina Ozog are just taking their training to gain new research skills and experiences at the Department of Industrial [...]

2022-11-22T14:42:18+01:00March 4th, 2021|

FunGlass PhD students at FAU Institute of Biomaterials, Erlangen/Nurnberg (Germany)

FunGlass PhD students at FAU Erlangen Nurshen Mutlu and Fatih Kurtuldu completed their visiting training period at the international partner - Institute of Biomaterials, (LINK: at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, in the framework of the FunGlass project training program. The training program at FAU is coordinated by Dr. Liliana Liverani and [...]

2022-11-22T14:42:27+01:00March 1st, 2021|
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