
CEGLASS project contract approved

CEGLASS project contract approved FunGlass team, led by prof. Dušan Galusek, DrSc., succeeded as the first among the applicants in the Slovak Republic in receiving complementary funding from the Operational program of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic to the program Horizon 2020, with the project Center for Functional and Surfaced [...]

2022-11-23T10:36:42+01:00April 11th, 2019|

Another successful project approved by the Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA)

Another successful project approved by the Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA) A project with the title Multi-layered bioglass structures for regenerative medicine prepared by tape casting and lamination, led by Dr. Martin Michálek from the Department of Biomaterials, has been approved for funding by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of education of the Slovak republic [...]

2022-11-23T10:36:49+01:00April 9th, 2019|

Dr. P. Hostak participated in V4 Training program for Project managers in Brussels (Belgium)

FunGlass participated in training program for project managers in Brussel From 27 to 29 March 2019 a spring edition of intensive training program for project managers from the Visegrad countries focused on Horizon 2020 was held in Brussel. The event was organized by Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels (SLORD), Czech [...]

2022-11-23T10:37:04+01:00April 3rd, 2019|

Dr. Nasima Afsharimani completed her one year of training in Spain

Dr. Nasima Afsharimani completed her one year of training in Spain It is a pleasure to inform that Dr. Nasima Afsharimani, one of our postdoc colleagues at Department of Coatings, has successfully completed her one year of training in Spain! Dr. Afsharimani left in 2018 to undergo 12 months of training at the Institute [...]

2022-11-23T10:37:11+01:00March 29th, 2019|

Two year anniversary of FunGlass

FunGlass evaluated its two-year progress         The Scientific Board held its regular annual meeting in FunGlass on March 14-15, 2019. It was attended by all its members - Prof. Dušan Galusek, Director of FunGlass, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia; Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Head of the Institute of Biomaterials, Fridrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, [...]

2022-11-23T10:37:19+01:00March 26th, 2019|

FunGlass sharing experience at Workshop on tools and developments for Widening NCP

FunGlass sharing experience at Workshop on tools and developments for Widening NCP FunGlass centre accepted the invitation to attend the Workshop on Tools and Developments for National Contact Points (NCPs) for Horizon 2020 programme  that took place on March 20th and 21st in Bratislava at the premises of Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI). [...]

2022-11-23T11:06:26+01:00March 21st, 2019|

Visit of Ambassador of the Islamic republic of Iran

Visit of Ambassador of the Islamic republic of Iran On March 18th, 2019 we welcomed ambassador of the Islamic republic of Iran, His Excellency Ebadollah Molaei at our university. The delegation discussed several topics with vice-rector of science, research and international relation and director of FunGlass Center, professor D. Galusek. The focus of [...]

2022-11-23T11:06:34+01:00March 20th, 2019|

Aldo R. Boccaccini elected to the Acatech

Aldo R. Boccaccini elected to the National Academy of Science and Engineering of Germany Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Head of the Institute of Biomaterials, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and member of the Scientific Board of FunGlass, has been elected member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) (LINK: ) of [...]

2022-11-23T11:06:39+01:00March 14th, 2019|

Presentation of FunGlass at the event of SLORD in Brussels

Presentation of FunGlass at the event of SLORD in Brussels On March 7, 2019, a ceremonial event was held on the premises of the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU to mark the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels (SLORD). [...]

2022-11-23T11:06:48+01:00March 13th, 2019|
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