
FunGlass research center in Slovakia

FunGLASS research center in Slovakia established with €25M, including €15M from EU’s Horizon 2020 Kick-off meeting at TNUAD in Trencin on 7th March 2017 The global glass community received excellent news of a €25 million investment in glass research to establish the new Centre for Functional and Surface-Functionalized Glasses (FunGLASS) in Trenčín, Slovakia. [...]

2022-11-23T12:54:01+01:00July 6th, 2017|

15 miliónov eur pre FunGlass

15 miliónov eur pre FunGlass Dňa 16. februára 2017 sa uskutočnilo v Bruseli stretnutie koordinátorov a partnerov desiatich úspešných Teamingových projektov európskeho programu Horizont 2020 spojené s oficiálnym podpísaním grantovej zmluvy. Za konzorcium projektu „Centrum pre funkčné a povrchovo funkcionalizované sklá (FunGlass)“ zmluvu podpísal koordinátor medzinárodného tímu prof. Dušan Galusek z Trenčianskej univerzity Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne. Generálny [...]

2022-11-23T12:54:29+01:00July 6th, 2017|

Spreading of Slovak Science abroad

Spreading of Slovak Science abroad Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín (Slovakia) is one of the succesfull applicants of the call H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-1 - „Spreading excellence and widening participation“ of the European Union programme Horizon 2020. The university competed at the international level among 167 submitted proposals with the project of establishing the excellent Centre [...]

2022-11-23T12:54:54+01:00July 6th, 2017|
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