European Projects Office presentation
Horizon Europe is the name of the new European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme for the period of 2021 – 2027 with the budget of €95.5 billion. Horizon Europe offers funding to research and innovation projects in all thematic areas.
FunGlass intends to search for project opportunities in this programme too. Centre keen to develop collaborative project both as coordinators or research partners.
For this purpose, European Projects Office organized on 19 May 2021 a presentation to provide FunGlass postdoctoral researchers with basic guidance on how to navigate Horizon Europe.
Prof. Dušan Galusek, director and Peter Hošták, EPO head emphasized the importance of involving the FunGlass Center and its researchers into the Horizon Europe program. The European projects office presented researchers with basic information about Horizon Europe, its structure and the objectives of individual pillars and actions.
We are considering the realized workshop as the launch pad for searching for relevant project calls or networking partners.

Monika Šandrejová´s presentation

Andrea Chrastinová´s presentation