FunGlass SYMPOSIUM 2021
On 14 June, 2021 virtual „FunGlass Symposium 2021“ was held on-line from FunGlass Centre in Trenčín. This year, FunGlass Symposium was organized within the 14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry (13-17 June, 2021).
The aim of the symposium session was to highlight and share the results of research collaboration with advanced partners of the FunGlass project in the field of Biomaterials, Glass Coatings, Glass Processing and Functional Materials, namely with
- Institute of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany under supervision of prof. A. R. Boccaccini;
- Institute of Ceramics and Glass, CSIC, Madrid, Spain under supervision of prof. A. Durán;
- Department of Industrial Technologies of the University of Padova, Italy under supervision of prof. E. Bernardo;
- Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany under supervision of prof. L. Wondraczek.
The sessions were led by Dr. Yolanda Castro from CSIC Madrid and Dr. José J. Vélazquez Garcia, Head of Department of Functional Materials of FunGlass Centre. Opening presentation of prof. Galusek acquainted the followers with the research focus and current research activities of the FunGlass Centre. Subsequently, FunGlass and partner´s institutions researchers and also PhD students presented and discussed their research results achieved in cooperation with their colleagues and showed the ways and open challenges for effective exploitation of these results.
FunGlass Symposium 2021 presentations:
- FunGlass research activities -an overview ( Galusek)
- Preparation and characterization of electrospun composite fibers with mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles: the effect of the amount of nanoparticles and Cu-doping on cell proliferation ( Sengupta, L. Liverani, M. Michálek, H. Kaňková, D. Galusek, A. R. Boccaccini)
- Preparation and characterization of Chitosan-Zn complex films for wound healing applications ( Mutlu, L. Liverani, F. Kurtuldu, D. Galusek, A. R. Boccaccini)
- Analysis of the hydrophobic character and reflectancein SiO2and SiO2-TiO2 coatingsobtained by sol-gel method ( H. Haritha, A. Plško, K. Faturíková, A. Duran, D. Galusek, Y. Castro, J. J. Velázquez)
- Structure and Fluorescence Properties of Dy doped Borophosphate Glasses ( Griebenow, F. Munoz, N. S. Tagiara, R. Klement, A. Prnova, B. Wolfrum, E. I. Kamitsos, A. Duran, D. Galusek)
- Additive manufacturing of Ca-Mg silicate scaffolds supported by flame-synthesized glass microspheres ( Kraxner, H. Elsayed, A. Dasan, M. Hujová, M. Michálek, E. Bernardo, D. Galusek)
- Assessment of Alkali activation for Producing Porous Glass Microspheres ( Mahmoud, J. Kraxner, E. Bernardo, D. Galusek)
- Preparation and characterization of PEO/sol–gel composite coatings for corrosion protection of Mg alloys ( Merino, A. Durán, Y. Castro)
- Transparent Nd3+-doped LaF3-SiO2glass ceramics films produced by sol-gel and using nano-crystalline suspensions ( E. Cruz, Y. Castro, R. Balda, A. Durán)
- Spark plasma sintering and optical properties of Tm doped NaLaF4transparent glass-ceramics ( Sedano, R. Balda, J. Fernández, S. Babu, D. Galusek, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual)

Dr. Yolanda Castro

Prof. Enrico Bernardo

Prof. Dušan Galusek