Structural Funds

Name and registered office of the recipient:

Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne

Trenčín, Študentská 1639/2, 91150

Name of the project:

Center for functional and surface functionalized glass: “CEGLASS”

ITMS project code: 313011R453

Project location:

Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne

Trenčín, Študentská 1639/2, 91150

Amount of non-repayable financial contribution: 10 525 853,77 €

Project implementation date: 04/2019 – 06/2023

Professional project guarantors: Prof. Ing. Dušan Galusek, DrSc., Doc. Ing. Alfonz Plško, CSc., Ing. Róbert Klement, PhD., Ing. Jozef Kraxner, PhD., Ing. Martin Michálek, PhD.

Main project activity:
Independent research and development at the Center for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass.

As part of the activity, independent research and development in the Center will be divided into three domains of intelligent specialization, defined in the strategy of intelligent specialization RIS3 SR:

Domain of intelligent specialization 1 .: Vehicles for the 21st Century.

Product line: Materials for creating functional surfaces
Domain of intelligent specialization 2 .: Industry for the 21st century.

Product line: Innovative technologies of material preparation, methods of analysis, diagnostics of their properties, including nanotechnologies and nanometrology.

Subarea 2A: Materials for optical, photonic and optoelectronic applications

Subarea 2B: Independent research and development on other functional materials

Subarea 2C: Independent research and development in the field of glass materials for structural applications.

Domain of intelligent specialization 3 .: Population Health and Health Technologies.
Product line: Intelligent materials, including textiles.

Project goal:
Completion of the infrastructure of the newly established Center for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass with International (European) Scope, which was established in accordance with the objectives of the complementary project H2020 on TnUAD with effect since 1.12. 018, its staffing and ensuring its independent research and development activities in the field of glass with special functional properties, functionalization of glasses in order to modify their properties and add new functionalities.

Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 can be found at

Name: Rozvoj inovačného potenciálu Bielokarpatskej sklárskej výskumno-vývojovej a vzdelávacej základne cielený k posilneniu a rozšíreniu spolupráce      s MSP

Coordinator: Ing. Zuzana Jakubíková, PhD.,

Team: TnUAD, Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská Valašské Meziříčí

Dates: 2019 – 2021

ITMS project code: 304011P822

Abstract: Cieľom projektu je dobudovanie výskumno – vývojovej sklárskej základne na území Euroregionu Bílé – Biele Karpaty, ako tradičnom území sklárskej výroby za účelom zintenzívnenia využívania výsledkov aplikovaného výskumu hlavne MSP. Projekt si kladie za cieľ výmenu skúseností, transfer technológii a zlepšovanie siete spolupráce tradičných partnerov s MSP, ďalšími podnikmi a univerzitami, výskumnými a vedeckými strediskami, predovšetkým v rámci Českého a Moravského sklárskeho klastra, čo umožní udržateľnosť a zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti. Realizáciou aktivít dôjde          k vytvoreniu funkčných regionálnych inovačných systémov v cezhraničnom regióne so zameraním na tvorbu mechanizmov výmeny a zdieľania informácií, definícii požiadaviek podnikateľského sektora na aplikovaný výskum a vývoj sklovín.

Name: Advancement and support of R&D for „Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials“ in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization

Coordinator:  Ing. Katarína Bradáčová

Team: TnUAD/UACH SAV, UMV SAV, KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, a.s., MIKON spol. s r.o.

Dates: 2019 – 2023

ITMS project code: 313011W442

Abstract: Functional and surface-functionalized materials with high added value

Publications: Polymer (PCL) fibers with Zn- doped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles for tissue regeneration

Project acknowledgement ratios:

  • Funglass 739566  (0,1)
  • Ceditek II 313011W442 (0,8)
  • Vega 1/0191/20 (0,1)

Name: Posilnenie cezhraničného vzdelávacieho potenciálu v oblastiach inovatívnych technológií výroby a charakterizácie sklených a keramických materiálov

Team: TnUAD/Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Masarykova univerzita

Dates: 2020 – 2021

ITMS project code: 304011U702

Abstract: Projekt posilní multidisciplinárne kompetencie absolventov 3 popredných výskumno-vzdelávacích pracovísk z prihraničných regiónov na ČR-SR hranici voblastiach technológií výroby sklených a keramických materiálov a ich plazmových úprav s cieľom zvýšenia relevantnosti obsahu vzdelávania pre potreby trhupráce s dopadom na regionálnu sklársku priemyselnú základňu. Tieto sa dosiahnu prostredníctvom výmenných stáží študentov a odborných pracovníkov,získaním aditívnych kompetencií a zručností a zvýšením ich odbornej kvalifikácie v expert. postupoch rozvíjaných na partnerských pracoviskách, ako aj prípravoušpeciálnych učebných textov začlenených do procesu výchovy absolventov. Bude vytvorená expertná pracovná skupina. Vykoná sa analýza spoločných potriebpre uplatnenie absolventov na trhu práce, resp. pozície a uplatnenia výsledkov výskumu v medzinárodnom meradle. Za účelom zvyšovania atraktívnostitechnických odborov pre žiakov a rodičov bude vytvorená spoločná internetová prezentácia, do ktorej budú zainteresovaní všetci projektoví partneri.


Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín was succesful in implementation of a project called New materials and technologies for industry in the 21stcentury with acronym NOMATECH, ITSM code 313011T546. The contract for 476.778,08 € was signed between the Research Agency of the Slovak Republic represented by Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport JUDr. Mgr. Martina Lubyová, Phd. and Ing. Stanislav Sipko, and the Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin represented by the University’s rector, associate prof. Jozef Habánik, PhD. The project was succesfully realized during the period started on January 1st, 2016 and finished on December 31st, 2019 at FunGlass Center (prior VILA), Faculty of Industrial Technologies, and Faculty of Special Technology.


Dates:       01/2016 – 12/2019

Funding:   476.778,08 €  (Celkové oprávnené výdavky)

Name of the fund: ERDF – European Regional Development Fund

Code of the call/Call: OPVaI-VA/DP/2018/1.1.3-07

Place of implementation: Trenčín, Púchov

Project garants: prof. Ing. Dušan Galusek, prof. Ing. Marek Liška, doc. Ing. Alfonz Plško, prof. Ing. Darina Ondrušová, prof. RNDr. Mariana Pajtášová, prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokluda

Goals: Increase research activity through improved coordination and consolidation of R&D potential of research institutions

The NOMATECH project grant consisted of three main activities:

  • The main activity 1, realized by FunGlass – Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass was focused on the development of new types of advanced non-metallic inorganic materials and coatings in particular based on glass and ceramics for industrial applications for the 21st century, the development of advanced high-porous materials prepared by the alkaline-activated polymerization of waste materials and the study of degradation mechanisms of these materials and structures in order to prolong their life and reduce environmental impact.
  • The main activity 2, realized by Faculty of Industrial Technologies focused on the functionalization of filler surfaces into polymeric materials by means of plasma discharge and microwave radiation; development, preparation and modification of progressive polymeric materials, testing properties of new materials and predicting properties of studied materials and composites by mathematical-physical modeling for preparation of materials in industrial applications for 21st century industry.
  • The main activity 3, realized by Faculty of Special Technology, was focused on improvement and optimization of utility properties of high-strength metal materials


Based on elaborated models describing soles and properties of anorg.-org, nanocomposite layers for the protection of materials against micro-organism populations, the most suitable composition of these layers was found in the OTES system.

The independent research and development of advanced highly porous materials prepared by the alkali-activated polymerization of waste glass, using flame synthesis technology, which has been improved within the project. The development of this apparatus for the production of solid and hollow glass and glass-ceramic microspheres by means of flame synthesis is completed and the patent is registered.

Unique software development to calculate the surface tension of a sitting and hanging drop

Increased durability and quality of surface treatment of materials

New types of progressive fillers and additives for polymers and composites

New methodologies aimed at characterizing and diagnosing existing materials

New types of materials and coatings with specific functional, especially optical, magnetic, sorption, catalytic and other properties for the 21st century industry

Publications cofunded from the European Regional Development Fund:

  • Alfonz Plško, Katarína Faturíková, Jana Pagáčová, Iveta Papučová, Mariana Švančárková,
    Spectral properties of inorganic-organic films on glass, Book of Abstracts, FunGlass School 2019 / Part 2, ISBN 978-80-8075-900-1 (2019)
  • Katarína Faturíková, Alfonz Plško, Jana Pagáčová, Iveta Papučová, Mariana Švančárková, The influence of preparation conditions for inorganic-organic nanocomposite layers on their hydrophobicity, Book of Abstracts, FunGlass School 2019 / Part 2, ISBN 978-80-8075-900-1 (2019)
  • A Feriancová, M Pajtášová, K Moricová and B Pecušová, Using of wood ash as the alternative filler for preparation of rubber mixtures, MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012087, ISSN 1757-8981.
  • R Janík, M Kohutiar, M Pajtášová, A Dubec, J Pagáčová and J Šulcová, The impact of DCSBD Plasma Discharge on polypropylene, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012090, ISSN 1757-8981.
  • M Kohutiar, R Janík, M Pajtášová, D Ondrušová, I Labaj and V Zvoláneková Mezencevová, Study of structural changes in thermoplastics using dynamic mechanical analysis,MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012092, ISSN 1757-8981. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/776/1/012092
  • I Labaj, D Ondrušová, J Vršková and M Kohutiar, The effect of various alternative filler granularity on the properties of elastomeric vulcanizate,MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012098, ISSN 1757-8981. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/776/1/012098
  • D Ondrušová, I Labaj, J Vršková1, M Pajtášová and V Zvoláneková Mezencevová, Application of alternative additives in the polymer composite systems used in automotive industr, MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012101, ISSN 1757-8981. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/776/1/012101
  • J Vršková, D Ondrušová, I Labaj and I Kopal, Effect of alternative filler from glass industry on the selected properties of friction polymer matrix in automotive industry,MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012106, ISSN 1757-8981. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/776/1/012106
  • J Šulcová, I Papučová and R Janík, Glass surface modification using diffusion coplanar surface barrier discharge (DCSBD),MMS 2019: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (2020) 012105, ISSN 1757-8981. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/776/1/012105
  • Lenka Bartošová, Michal Krbaťa. Univesity Review, Trenčín: TnUAD, 2019, ISSN 1339-5017.
  • Maroš Eckert.  Vedecké práce a štúdie. Trenčín: TnuAD, 2019. ISBN 978-80-8075-902-5.
  • Milan Jus, Jiří Balla. Univesity Review, Trenčín: TnUAD, 2019, ISSN 1339-5017.
  • Beáta Kopiláková, Ján Zápotočný, Maroš Eckert. Univesity Review, Trenčín: TnUAD, 2019, ISSN 1339-5017.
  • Juraj Majerský, Jozef Majerík, Igor Barényi, Peter Perun. Transfer 2019, 20th International Scientific Conference. – Trenčín: TnUAD, FŠT, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8075-889-9.
  • Pavol Mikuš, Alexej Chovanec, Alena Breznická, Igor Barényi. Univesity Review, Trenčín: TnUAD, 2019, ISSN 1339-5017.

Information about operational program integrated infrastructure 2014-2020 can be found at