SSC 2021 supported by Visegrad Fund
We are pleased to announce that 14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry and related activities of the project “From brain drain to brain gain at SSC2021” (IVF 22010227) supported by Visegrad Fund ( have started on 14th June 2021. This four-day event is attended by more than 100 participants from 17 countries and 3 continents. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, the conference and project´s activities are running online.
Consortium that implements the project involves:
- prof. Galusek – FunGlass, Trencin (Slovakia),
- prof. Wagner – University of Pardubice, Pardubice (Czech Republic),
- prof. Reben – AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Krakow (Poland),
- Dr. Balazsi – Centre for Energy Reserach, Budapest (Hungary).
The organizing research institutions use this scientific event as a platform to explore tactics to reverse brain drain in the context of the brainstorming activities between senior and early stage researchers from the V4 region. Senior researchers from partner institutions will actively participate as evaluators in Young Scientific Poster Award committee and share their experience in a panel discussion within the workshop “From brain drain to brain gain”. During this event, they will try to identify proven strategies to attract and retain talents from abroad. Another activity, the “V4 Research Day” will promote the results of their research work. All partners in Consortium already agreed to cooperate in a follow up promotion of “brain gain” actions and activities in the area of grant proposals submission (especially Horizon Europe programme), writing joint papers, preparing research themes for dissertation topics, providing guest lectures and other exchange training activities.

Karol Rzepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Ms.Barbara Popanda, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Mr. Tomáš Netolický, University of Pardubice, Czech republic

Petra Pál, University of Debrecen, Hungary