Welcome to the FunGlass Job Vacancies website.
Thank you for your interest in job opportunities at FunGlass. All our current job vacancies are listed below. For information on what are the requirements and how to apply, please open the selected position:
The Director of the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass
of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
in accordance with the Law 131/2002 on Higher Education, the Law 552/2003 on the work in public interest and in accordance with the principles of selection process of university teachers, researchers, and chief officers of TnUAD announces recruitment process for:
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Joint Glass Centre, focusing on the preparation of ceramic materials and glass by the process of cold sintering
There is an immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glasses, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia.
The appointment will be for a minimum of two years, with the possibility of contract extension based on research progress and the quality of scientific outputs. We are seeking a candidate with experience in the preparation and characterization of ceramic materials and/or glass. Prior knowledge of the fundamentals of sintering is advantageous.
The role includes support for preparing peer-reviewed publications, attending conferences, and applying for independent research funding. The position is available immediately upon completion of the recruitment process, though a later start date can be negotiated.
Salary will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience, training, and qualifications and is subject to annual valorisation based on performance.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Applicants must hold a Ph.D. (doctoral degree) in materials science and engineering (preferred), physics, inorganic chemistry, or closely related fields.
Required Skills:
- Expertise in preparation and characterization of inorganic non-metallic materials, with special focus on ceramic or glass.
- Previous experience with high or low temperature consolidation techniques, including pressureless sintering, hot pressing or spark plasma sintering.
- Knowledge of advanced characterization technique, including thermoanalytical methods, microstructural analysis, and mechanical testing of materials.
- Experience and interest in interdisciplinary research, publication and presentation of results, result-oriented personality
- Excellent English communication skills, both written and spoken, are essential
- The ability to work creatively and independently towards developing your own research project and collaborate with researchers of other disciplines
Preferred Optional Qualifications:
- Basic experience with SW packages, such as Origin, FullProf, Vesta, HighScore,
- Ability to work independently and multi-task effectively
- Flexible and willing to adapt to changes in priorities as necessary in a dynamic and fast-paced environment
- Previous experience with experimental studies would be a major plus.
Interested and qualified persons should submit (in English):
- Professional CV,
- A copy of Ph.D. certificate,
- A list of publications and research projects,
- A letter describing background and specific experience and capabilities pertaining to research activities,
- Copies of three recent first author publications,
- The name, address, and e-mail address of at least one reference.
Application with required documents should be sent by e-mail to: marcela.brodova@tnuni.sk until 1st December 2024. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted.
Trenčín, 19th November 2024
Dušan Galusek Prof., DSc,
Director of FunGlass Centre
The Director of the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass
of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
in accordance with the Law 131/2002 on Higher Education, the Law 552/2003 on the work in public interest and in accordance with the principles of selection process of university teachers, researchers, and chief officers of TnUAD
announces recruitment process for:
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Joint Glass Centre with a focus on atomistic computer simulation of high entropy oxide ceramics
There is an immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glasses, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia.
The appointment will be for a minimum of two years, with the possibility of contract extension based on research progress and the quality of scientific outputs. We are seeking a candidate with experience in molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the structure and properties of high-entropy oxides. Prior knowledge of ab-initio methods or machine learning algorithms is advantageous. Candidates with a strong interest in advancing their expertise through empirical and computational methods are particularly encouraged to apply. The role includes support for preparing peer-reviewed publications, attending conferences, and applying for independent research funding. The position is available immediately upon completion of the recruitment process, though a later start date can be negotiated.
Salary will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience, training, and qualifications and is subject to annual valorisation based on performance.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Applicants must hold a Ph.D. (doctoral degree) in materials science and engineering (preferred), physics, inorganic chemistry, or closely related fields.
Required Skills:
- Expertise in developing physics-based simulations, computational theoretical physics or chemistry, or related areas and applying data analysis to solve problems in materials science, as well as the ability to contribute to the development of those methods.
- Knowledge of molecular dynamics and/or photochemistry, as well as high-level quantum mechanics (beyond the density functional theory), are an advantage.
- Experience and interest in interdisciplinary research, publication and presentation of results, result-oriented personality
- Excellent English communication skills, both written and spoken, are essential
- The ability to work creatively and independently towards developing your own research project and collaborate with researchers of other disciplines
Preferred Optional Qualifications:
- Experience with the software on massively parallel computer systems (such as LAMMPS, GROMACS)
- Applied Math, Applied Physics, Computational Sciences: optimization, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra
- Familiarity with MATLAB, Python, C++, or other scripting languages; plus, comfort working with open coding/open access principles
- Ability to work independently and multi-task effectively
- Flexible and willing to adapt to changes in priorities as necessary in a dynamic and fast-paced environment
- Machine Learning experience would be a major plus
- Previous experience with experimental studies would be a major plus.
Interested and qualified persons should submit (in English):
- Professional CV,
- A copy of Ph.D. certificate,
- A list of publications and research projects,
- A letter describing background and specific experience and capabilities pertaining to research activities,
- Copies of three recent first author publications,
- The name, address, and e-mail address of at least one reference.
Application with required documents should be sent by e-mail to: marcela.brodova@tnuni.sk until 1st December 2024. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted.
Trenčín, 19th November 2024
Dušan Galusek Prof., DSc,
Director of FunGlass Centre
Centrum pre funkčné a povrchovo funkcionalizované sklá Trenčianskej univerzity Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne hľadá vhodného kandidáta pre pozíciu:
Špecialista/ka rozvoja priemyselnej spolupráce / Business Development Officer
Centrum pre funkčné a povrchovo funkcionalizované sklá (FunGlass) je medzinárodne uznávané centrum excelentnosti zamerané na výskum skla a keramiky. Pozícia je vytvorená v rámci nového projektu programu Horizont Európa (výzva HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04, č. 101087154), „Glass-ceramic innovation ecosystem for implementation of new research directions in applications” (akronym GlaCerHub). Cieľom projektu je vytvorenie excelentného a udržateľného inovačného ekosystému v pohraničnom regióne medzi Českom (Jihomoravský kraj) a Slovenskom (Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj), a to v oblasti výskumu a aplikácie sklených a keramických materiálov s využitím v širokej škále pre náš región strategických odvetví ako sú automobilový priemysel, energetika, odpadové hospodárstvo, komunikačné technológie či zdravotníctvo.
Náplň práce:
- Vyhľadávanie a triedenie odborných informácií na účely ochrany duševného vlastníctva.
- Asistencia pri komercializácii vedeckých poznatkov.
- Podpora spolupráce medzi vedcami a priemyslom, zabezpečenie transferu technológií.
- Príprava administratívnych podkladov pre projekty EÚ.
- Podpora pri príprave návrhov európskych a národných projektov.
- Rokovanie s priemyselnými partnermi a získavanie zákaziek.
- Schopnosť učiť sa nové veci a prichádzať s inovatívnymi riešeniami.
- Výborné komunikačné a prezentačné zručnosti.
- Odolnosť voči neúspechu a vytrvalosť pri hľadaní riešení.
- Plynulú znalosť anglického jazyka v ústnom aj písomnom prejave, vrátane technických oblastí.
- Ochotu absolvovať krátkodobé pracovné cesty.
- Znalosť vysokoškolského prostredia – výhodou.
- Skúsenosti s patentovým konaním – výhodou.
- Vysokoškolské vzdelanie technického smeru – výhodou.
- Vodičský preukaz skupiny B a aktívne šoférovanie.
- Prácu na plný úväzok s možnosťou skráteného úväzku po dohode.
- Adekvátne platové ohodnotenie s možnosťou bonusov.
- Časovú flexibilitu počas pracovného dňa.
- Možnosť naučiť sa prenášať vedecké poznatky do priemyselnej praxe.
- Prácu s reálnym spoločenským dopadom a možnosťou meniť veci k lepšiemu.
- Príspevok na stravu.
- Príspevok na dôchodkové sporenie a ďalšie benefity.
Svoj životopis v slovenskom alebo anglickom jazyku spolu s krátkym motivačným listom a kópiou dokladu o najvyššom dosiahnutom vzdelaní zasielajte do 20. 1. 2024 na adresu: marcela.brodova@tnuni.sk Vybraní kandidáti budú pozvaní na osobný pohovor, počas ktorého budú overené ich znalosti angličtiny, analytické a komunikačné schopnosti. Prihlášky doručené po tomto termíne nebudú akceptované.
V Trenčíne, dňa 17. 12. 2024
Prof. Ing. D. Galusek, DrSc.