Alfredo Daniel Sanchez, PhD.
Scientific background:
- Physics
- Optics
- Nonlinear Optics
- Nanomaterials (metal nanoparticles modeling, plasmonics)
- Computational Modeling
- Parallel Computing
- Electromagnetism
Publication activity:
- Publications in scientific journals: +20
- Contributed lectures at conferences: 5
- Citations: 207 (WoS)
The most significant publications:
- Performance studies on group-velocity-matched femtosecond optical parametric generation Pizzurro, S. et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am.B., 41, (12) E45-E51.
- Mean-field equation for phase-modulated optical parametric oscillator. Sánchez, A. D. et al. Physical Review Research., 6 (1), 013263.
- Cuda-Based Focused Gaussian Beams Second-Harmonic Generation Efficiency Calculator Sánchez, A. D. et al. Computer Physics Communications., 302, 109232.
- Mean-field equation for phase-modulated optical parametric oscillator Sánchez, A. D. et al. Physical Review Research., 6 (1), 013263.
- CUDA-based optical parametric oscillator simulator. Sánchez, A. D. et al. Computer Physics Communications., 294, 108910.
- Immobilization of a simulated high-level waste in an yttrium aluminosilicate glass. Self-heating assessment. Lago, D. C. et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society., 42(16), 7561-7569.
- Ultrashort pulse generation from continuous-wave driven degenerate optical parametric oscillators Sánchez, A. D. et al. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics., , 1-8.
- Cesium immobilization in porous silica and 137Cs self-heating simulations. Lago, D. C. et al. Journal of Nuclear Materials., 565, 153697.
- All-optical pulse-train generation through the temporal analogue of a laser Sparapani, A. et al. Optical Fiber Technology., 68, 102785.
- Simple model for the nonlinear optical response of dimer-doped waveguides. Sánchez, A. et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 38(1), 17-23.
- Model for frequency-dependent nonlinear propagation in 2D-decorated nanowires. Linale, N. et al. IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 57(4), 1-8.
- Measuring self-steepening with the photon-conserving nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Linale, N. et al. Opt. Lett., 45(16), 4535-4538.
- Equation for modeling two-photon absorption in nonlinear waveguides. Linale, N. et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 37(6), 1906-1910.
- Modulation instability in waveguides doped with anisotropic nanoparticles. Sánchez, A. D. et al. Opt. Lett., 45(11), 3119-3122.
- Modulation instability in waveguides with an arbitrary frequency-dependent nonlinear coefficient. Linale, N. et al. Lett., 45 (9), 2498-2501.
- A photon-conserving generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation for frequency-dependent nonlinearities. Bonetti, J. et al. J. Opt. Soc.Am. B., 37, 445-450.
- Modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation for frequency-dependent nonlinear profiles of arbitrary sign. Bonetti, J. et al. J. Opt. Soc.Am. B, 36(11), 3139–3144.
- Simple method for estimating the fractional Raman contribution. Sánchez, A. D. et al. Opt. Lett., 44(3), 538–541.
- Anti-Stokes Raman gain enabled by modulation instability in mid-IR waveguides. Sánchez, A. D. et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 35(11), 2828–2832.
- Tunable Raman gain in mid-IR waveguides. Sánchez, A. D. et al. J. Opt. Soc. Am.B, 35(1), 95–99.
- A geometrical view of scalar modulation instability in optical fibers Hernandez, S. M. et al. IEEE Photonics Journal. 9(5), 1-8.
- Plasmonic Photothermal Fluorescence Modulation for Homogeneous Biosensing. Pellegrotti, J. V. et al. ACS Sensors, 1(11), 1351–1357.
Study part: Profile subjects (basic mathematical base for scientist and engineering)
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus I and II
- S c. + M. Sc.: Physicist, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CIBION (Centro de Investigaciones en BioNano Ciencias), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015. Thesis: Synthesis and Modeling of the Optical Properties of Gold Nanorods.
- PhD: Doctorate in Engeneer, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Thesis: Nonlinear effect in waveguides in the infrared region.
Work Experience:
- Position title: Researcher, FunGlass– Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass, Alexandra Dubcek University of Trencin (January 2025- Present).
- Position title: Researcher, ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences (January 2021- December 2024).
Study part: Profile subjects (basic mathematical base for scientist and engineering)
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus I and II
Awards, scholarships and research stays:
- PhD Scholarship by CONICET(Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Ciéntificas y Técnicas): San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, April 2016.
- Best Poster “NANOINTI”, Conference in Nanotechnoly at INTI (Insitituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2013.
Other activities:
- Reviewer in Optical Society of America, Optica Publishing Group (8 articles)
- Reviewer in Physical Review (2 articles)