Dr. Germán A. Clavijo Mejía

Scientific background: 

  • Engineering, fabrication, and performance evaluation of ceramics for biomedical applications
  • Thermal spray processes
  • Additive manufacturing processes
  • Cell culture and molecular biology
  • Biomedical engineering

International projects: 

  • Centre for Functional and Surface-Functionalized Glasses supported by the 8th European Framework programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020. 2021. Researcher.
  • Development of radio-opaque bio-glass/hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by thermal spraying for biomedical applications, Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques IRCER, France – National Laboratory of Thermal Spray CENAPROT-CINVESTAV México 2019. Coordinator – Researcher.
  • Characterization of synthesized hydroxyapatite powders and feasibility analysis of their use as precursor powders in the manufacture of thermal spray coatings. Othopowders®. France-Tunisia. 2017. Coordinator – Researcher.
  • Biological evaluation of Liofix® medical devices according to ASTM F158-2008 and ISO 10993-5 standards. Colombia-Mexico. 2015. Researcher.

National projects: 

  • Consolidation of Thermal Spray National Laboratory CENAPROT. ID: 293429. Mexico. 2018. Researcher
  • Thermal Spray National Laboratory ID: 279738. Mexico. 2017. Researcher
  • Study of the bond coat in the TiO2/HAp coating system deposited by HVOF thermal spray for biomedical applications. Master Thesis. 2015. Coordinator – Researcher
  • Pilot plant for the manufacture of uncemented total hip replacement with the development of advanced hydroxyapatite coatings and biocompatibility protocols. PROINNOVA, ID: 211676. Mexico. 2014. Researcher
  • Development of thermal spray hydroxyapatite coatings for biomedical applications. INNOVAPYME, ID: 198898. Mexico 2013
  • Synthesis of nano-structured hydroxyapatite from eggshells for medical applications. 2012. Colombia. 2012. Researcher

Publication activity:

  • Publications in scientific journals: 5
  • Contributed lectures at conferences: 7
  • Citations: 57
  • Patent: 1

The most significant publications :


  • “Método para Generar un Recubrimiento Graduado de Hidroxiapatita/Titania por Medio de HVOF”. Dec 2, 2019. Patent Issuer Number MX14464.

Scientific Papers

  • Bioactivity of radiopaque 45S5 bioactive glass with progressive additions of Bi2O3: A dissolution study under static conditions. Ceramics International. May (2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.05.019.
  • Bovine-derived hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by high-velocity oxygen-fuel and atmospheric plasma spray processes: A comparative study. J. Surf. & Coat. Tech. January (2020) 381 :125 – 193.
  • Effect of HVOF Process Parameters on TiO2 Coatings: An Approach Using DoE and First-Order Process Maps. J. of Thermal Spray Tech. August (2019). 28 (6) :1160–117.
  • Influence of HVOF parameters on HAp coating generation: An integrated approach using process maps J. Surf. & Coat. Tech. (2019) 358 :299-307.
  • HVOF Hydroxyapatite/Titania-Graded Coatings: Microstructural, Mechanical, and In Vitro Characterization. J Therm. Spray. Tech. (2018) 27:1302–1321.


  • The influence of Atmospheric Plasma Spray (APS) parameters on the properties of radiopaque bioactive glasses for biomedical applications. International workshop on advanced ceramics 2023. Limoges – France
  • Development and characterization of radiopaque bismuth-containing bioactive glasses. XVIIIth Conference of the European Ceramic Society 2023. Lyon – France
  • Bioactivity analysis of radiopaque glass 45S5 with progressive additions of Bi2O3: a dissolution study under static conditions”. German Ceramics Society 2022 Berlin – Germany
  • Influence of progressive additions of Bi2O3 into 45S5 bioactive glass: properties and performance. 26th International Congress on Glass (ICG2022). Berlin – Germany
  • Bioactivity Analysis of Radio-opaque BG45S5/Bi2O3 Coatings deposited by Thermal Spray at the International Thermal Spray Conference 2019, American society of materials, Yokohama – Japan
  • Bioactivity analysis of hydroxyapatite coatings obtained from biowaste by HVOF- and APS-processes. 8th Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique, Limoges– France. 2018
  • Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Obtained from Biowaste by HVOF – and APS- Processes. International Thermal Spray Conference 2017, American society of materials, Düsseldorf – Germany
  • In-Vitro Analysis of Cell Viability of an Optimized TiO2 Bond-Coat Deposited by HVOF for Biomedical Applications. World Biomaterials Congress 2016 Montreal – Canada
  • First Stages of TiO2 Coatings as Bond Coat Obtained by HVOF for Biomedical Applications. International Materials Research Congress 2015 Mexican Society of Materials, Cancún – México

Doctoral studies:

Study part: Profile subjects:

Inorganic technologies and materials II


Nanomaterials for biomedical applications


  • 2019, PhD. on Ceramic Materials and Surface Treatments. Université de Limoges. École Doctorale Sciences et Ingénierie des Matériaux, Mécanique, Énergétique. Thesis: Development of radio-opaque bio-glass/hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by thermal spraying for biomedical applications.
  • 2019, Ph.D. on Materials Sciences. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional CINVESTAV – Unidad Querétaro. Materials Department. Thesis: Development of radio-opaque bio-glass/hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by thermal spraying for biomedical applications.
  • 2015, M. Sc. Materials Sciences. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional CINVESTAV – Unidad Querétaro. Materials Department. Thesis: Study of the Bond Coating in the TiO2/HAp Coating System Deposited by Thermal Spraying (HVOF) For Biomedical Applications.
  • 2012, Eng. Biomedical Engineering. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Engineering Department. Thesis: Identification of electrical and optical marker of cardiac troponin I in silicon carbide (SiC) irradiated with CO2 laser and not irradiated.

Awards, scholarships and research stays:

  • Doctoral Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, Campus France, 2018.
  • Doctoral Regional Scholarship. Nouvelle-Aquitaine Government. 2017.
  • Doctoral Mixta Scholarship, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACyT, 2017.
  • Doctoral National Scholarship, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACyT, 2016.
  • Masters National Scholarship, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACyT. 2013.
  • Excellence Prize for Biomedical Engineering. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. 2007.
Dr. Germán A. Clavijo Mejía
Dr. Germán A. Clavijo Mejía
Biomaterials Department

E-mail: german.clavijo@tnuni.sk
Tel.: +421 32 7400 523
Office: n. 2.06a