Assoc. Prof. Mária Chromčíková, PhD.
Scientific background:
- Structure and properties of inorganic glasses and glass-forming melts
- Structural relaxation and viscosity of glass-forming melts
- Thermodynamic models
International projects:
- APVV SK – CZ – 00007 – 11, Thermodynamic models and structure of multicomponent glasses, 2012-2013, principal investigator
- APVV SK – PL – 18 – 0062, Corrosion of historical glasses, 2019-2020, member of the investigative team
National projets: (name of the project, year, your position)
- VEGA 2/5116/98, Theoretical and experimental investigation of aluminate and silicate condensed systems, 1997-1999, member of the investigative team
- DIAMINE IST–2000-25237, Detection and imaging of antipersonnel mines using neutron backscatter, 2001-2001, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 2/7055/20, Glass phase in polycrystalline corundum ceramics, 2000-2002, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 2/7008/20, Structure, molecular dynamics and relaxation processes in silicate glasses, 2000-2002, member of the investigative team
- APVT-51-010402, Sodium-calcium crystal glass without barium content, 2002-2005, member of the investigative team
- P-SAV 2/9036/22, Development of crystal utility glass without the content of toxic barium oxide, 2002-2003, member of the investigative team
- APVV-20-P06405, Optimization of EUTAL enamel melting, 2005-2007, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 1/3578/06, Structure and properties of silicate glasses – thermodynamic models and molecular hydrodynamics simulations versus experiment, 2006-2008, member of the investigative team
- AV 4/0025/07, Measurement and calculation of stress generation and relaxation in glass products during their shaping and cooling, 2007-2009, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0330/09, Structure and properties of oxide glasses – thermodynamic models, vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics, 2009-2011, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0603/09, Glass and glass-ceramic materials based on rare earth aluminates with exceptional mechanical and optical properties, 2009-2011, member of the investigative team
- CEKSIM-ITMS 262 201 200 56, OP Research and development of the European Regional Development Fund Center of excellence for ceramics, glass and silicate materials, 2010-2013, member of the investigative team
- PVTECHSKLO-ITMS 26220220072 OP, Research and development of the European Regional Development Fund Industrial research for the needs of streamlining the unique technology of melting and shaping utility glass, 2010-2014, member of the investigative team
- 26110230009 Operational program Education, Digitization of TnUAD: Development of innovative forms of education and improvement of study programs, 2011-2013, member of the investigative team
- APVV-0487-11, Structure and properties of oxide glasses intended for applications in nuclear energy, 2012-2015, principal investigator
- APVV-15-0014, Composite layers for high-temperature corrosion protection of metals, 2015-2020, member of the investigative team
- APVV-21-0016, Study of the kinetics and degradation of the native surface of functional glasses, 2022-2026, principal investigator
ZDESJE-ITMS 26220220084 OP Research and development of the European Regional Development Fund Knowledge database and expert system for the environmental solution of coolant loss accidents in the operation of a nuclear power plant, 2010-2014, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 2/0056/11, Factors limiting the targeted influence of magnetically soft properties of metal tapes, 2011-2013, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 1/0006/12, Structure and properties of oxide glasses – molecular dynamics, thermodynamic models, crystallization, vibrational and impedance spectra, 2012-2015, principal investigator
- VEGA 2/0165/12, Study of the corrosion mechanism of materials used in the melting of industrially produced glasses, 2012-2015, member of the investigative team
- KVŠ ITMS 26110230099, The Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín in Trenčín wants to offer quality and modern education, 2013-2015, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 2/0037/15, Internal macroscopic forces – where do they come from and how do they affect the magnetic properties of high induction metal strips, 2015-2017, member of the investigative team
- ITMS projekt: 26220220198, Research center ALLEGRO, 2014-2015, member of the investigative team
- VEGA 2/0088/16, Structure and properties of oxide glasses – thermodynamic model, enthalpy and volume relaxation, 2016-2019, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0064/18, Corrosion and weathering of utility glasses, 2018-2021, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0527/18, New inorganic phosphors based on stoichiometric aluminates and silicates with long-term light emission for optical and biomedical applications, 2018-2021, member of the investigative team
- VEGA/2/0091/20, Structure and properties of ion-doped bioactive glasses with potentially therapeutic and antibacterial effects, 2020-2023, principal investigator
- VEGA1/0021/23, Systematicstudy of the influence of corrosion factors on structural changes of glass used for biomedical purposes, 2023-2026, member of the investigative team
- APVV-22-0004, Influence of radiation load on fiberglass insulation in terms of refrigerant recirculation in emergency conditions of nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors 2023-2026, member of the investigative team
Publication activity:
- Co-editor of Conference proceedings: 2
- Scientific monographs: 2
- Chapters in monogrphs: 2
- Publications in scientific journals: 80+
- Contributed lectures at conferences: 184+
- Invited lectures: 8
- Citations: 253+
The most significant publications:
Monographs and chapters in monographs
- Chocholoušek, M. Chromčíková (50%): Atlas nehomogenít. 2007
ISBN 978-80-969659-3-9 - Chromčíková (100%): e – learningových učebných textov predmetu chémia
v rámci projektu ŠF EU OPV-2009/1.2/01-SORO, ITMS, 2012 - Liška, M. Chromčíková: Thermal properties and related structural and thermodynamic studies of oxide glasses. In Glassy, Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Materials: Thermal physics, analysis, structure and properties. J. Šesták, M. Holeček and J. Málek (Editors), Chapter 11, p. 179-197, Springer, New York 2011
ISBN 978-80-481-2881-5 - Macháček, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Parametrization and validation of thermochemical models of glass by advanced statistical analysis of spectral data. In: Thermal Physics and Thermal. J. Šesták, P. Hubík and J. Málek (Editors), chapter 12, p. 257-278, Springer, Switzerland 2017
ISBN 978-3-319-45899-1
- R. Svoboda, J. Machotová, Š. Pozimek, P. Honcová, M. Chromčíková, M. Nalezinková, J. Loskot, A. Bezrouk, D. Jezbera: How temperature-induced depolymerization and plasticization affect the process of structural relaxation. Polymer 290, 126549 (2024).
- B. Hruška, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Michálková, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model of 45S5 bio glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 149, 11071 – 11075 (2024).
- M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermal properties and thermodynamic model of lithium doped 45S5 bio glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 149. 11099 – 11105 (2024).
- A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, M. Chromčiková, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Effect of PbO replacement with ZnO on short- and intermediate-range order borate structures in ZnO-PbO-B2O3 glasses as probed by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 637, art. no 123062 (2024)
- R. Svoboda, J. Machotová, Podzimek, P. Honcová, M. Chromčíková , M. Nalezinková, J. Loskot, A. Bezrouk, D. Jezbera: How temperature-induced depolymerization and plasticization affect the process of structural relaxation. Polymer, 290, art. no. 126549 (2024)
- O. Başak, B. Hruška, L. Buňová, F. Muñoz, M. Michálek, M. Chromčíková: The influence of time dependent Al2O3 dissolution during melting on the structure-bioactivity correlation of Mg containing silica-based bioactive glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 629, art. no. 122873 (2024)
- B. Hruška, M. Chromčíková, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, A. Nowicka, R. Svoboda, M. Liška: Structural investigation and thermal properties of Al2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 626, art. no. 122813 (2024)
- B. Hruška, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and surface‑active components of barium crystal glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148, 1705-1711 (2023)
- M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Hruška, B. Pecušová, A. Nowicka: Thermo-kinetic and structural characterization of Ce-doped glasses based on Bioglass 45S5. Materials Chemistry and Physics 304, 127833 (2023)
- R. Svoboda, M. Nevyhoštená, J. Macháčková, J. Vaculík, K. Knotková, M. Chromčíková, A. Komersová: Thermal degradation of Affinisol HPMC: Optimum Processing Temperatures for Hot Melt Extrusion and 3D Printing. Pharmaceutical Research 40, 2253-2268 (2023)
- M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Hruška, A. Osipov, L. Osipova, B. Pecušová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Thermokinetic behavior of the Al2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 576, 121230 (2022).
- M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Pecušová, B. Hruška, M. Hujová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Effect of lithium doping on the glass transition behavior of the Bioglass 45S5. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 594, 1-7 (2022)
- B. Hruška, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Macháček, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and surface‑active components of barium crystal glass.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2022)
- M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Pecušová, B. Hruška, M. Hujová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Effect of lithium doping on the glass transition behavior of the Bioglass 45S5. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 594, 1-7 (2022)
- M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda, B. Hruška, A. Osipov, L. Osipova, B. Pecušová, A. Nowicka, M. Liška: Thermokinetic behavior of the Al2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 576, 121230 (2022)
- M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, R. Svoboda, M. Liška, A. Nowicka, E. Brunell, K. Buysser: Indentification of surface active components in glass forming melts by thermodynamic model. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 551, 120415 (2021).
- M. Michálková, M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, J. Peterson, M. Liška: Contactless thermodilatometry of glass cullet. Ceramic-Silikáty 65, 235-238 (2021).
- M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, R. Svoboda, M. Liška: Role of modifiers in the structural interpretation of the glass transition behavior in MgO/BaO-Al2O3-P2O5 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 573, 12114 (2021).
- M. Liška, J. Macháček, M. Chromčíková, J. Holubová, Z. Černošek: Thermodynamic model of ZnO-Nb2O5-P2O5 glasses – parameterization and validation. International Journal of Applied Glass Science 1-7, (2021).
- B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, M. Chromčíková, E. Greiner-Wtona, J. Smolík, V. Soltézs, M. Liška: Raman spectroscopic study of corroded historical glass. International Journal of Applied Glass Science 12, 613-620 (2021)
- M. Liška, J. Macháček, M. Chromčíková, R. Svoboda: Thermodynamic model of CaO – SiO2 glasses. Ceramics-Silikaty 64, 63-67 (2020).
- B. Hruška, R. Dagupati, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Michálková, J.A. Peterson, M. Liška, F. Munoz: Structure and Raman spectra of binary barium phosphate glasses. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142, 937-942 (2020).
- M. Chromčíková, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, B. Hruška, J. Michálková, A. Nowicka, J.A. Peterson, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of binary barium borate glassforming melts. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142, 945-951 (2020).
- R. Svoboda, M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Correlation between the activation energies of structural relaxation and viscous flow for BaO-P2O5-Al2O3 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 536, 1-10 (2020).
- A. Prnová, A. Plško, J. Valúchová, R. Klement, M. Chromčíková, N. Mutlu, M. Majerová, E. Bruneel, D. Galusek: Crystallization kinetics of binary Yb2O3– Al2O3 glass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 42, 2141-2148 (2020).
- M. Liška, M. Chromčíková, J. Michálková, M. Dvořák: Chemické zloženie črepov z Janštejna.Sklář a Keramik 7-8, 139-142 (2020).
- A. Osipov, M Liška, L.M.Osipova, M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška: Thermodynamic modeling and Raman spectroscopy study of Na2O-TiO2-SiO2 glasses. Vibrational Spectroscopy 111, 1-7 (2020).
- M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, A. Nowicka, R. Svoboda, M. Liška: Structural relaxation and viscosity of Al2O3 doped magnesium phospate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 550, 1-8 (2020)
- B. Hruška, R. Dagupaty, M. Chromčíková, A. Nowicka, J. Macháček, M. Liška, F. Munoz: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of MgO-P2O5 glasses. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142, 937-942 (2020).
- R. Svoboda, D. Brandová, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Thermokinetic behaviou of Ga-doped GeTe4 glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 512, 7–14 (2019).
- B. Hruška, Z. Netriová, Z. Vasková, M. Boča, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Hight temperature Raman study of K2ZrF4 phase transitions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 45-50, 791 (2019).
- M. Chromčíková, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, B Hruška, M. Liška, R. Svoboda: Thermodynamic model and high temperature Raman spectra of Na2O-B2O3 glassforming melts. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 798, 700-705 (2019).
- J. Vokelová, J. Michálková, M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Leaching kinetics of IZOMER TT glass fibrous insulation. Ceramic-Silikáty 63, 287-290 (2019).
- B. Hruška, A.A. Osipova, L.M. Osipova, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of BaO⋅B2O3 glasses. Vibrational Spectroscopy 105, 1-5 (2019).
- M. Chromčíková, E. Gašpáreková, A. Černá, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Structural relaxation of lead and barium-free crystal glasses. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 133, 371-377 (2018).
- A. Černá, M. Chromčíková, J. Macháček, B. Hruška, M. Liška: Viscosity and configuration entropy of glasses for CHROMPIC vitrification. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 133, 365-370 (2018).
- B. Hruška, A.A. Osipov, L.M. Osipova, M. Chromčíková, A. Černá, M. Liška: Thermodynamic model and high-temperature Raman spectra of 25Na2O.75B2O3 glassforming melts. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 133, 429-433 (2018).
- Dvořák, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Problematický sirník dakemnatý. Sklář a Keramik 7-8, 162-163 (2018).
- A. Černá, B. Hruška, D. Tokarčíková, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and AFM study of heavy weathered surface of barium crystal glass Chemical Papers 72, 2153-2158 (2018).
- R. Svoboda, D. Brandová, M. Chromčíková, M. Setnička, J. Chovanec, A. Černá, M. Liška, J. Málek: Se-doped GeTe glasses for far-infrared optical fibers.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2434-2443, 695 (2017). - Butvinová, P. Butvin, K. Brzózka, M. Kuzminski, I. Maťko, P. Švec, M. Chromčíková: Effects of surface crystallization and oxidation in nanocrystalline FeNbCuSiB(P) ribbons. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 233-237, 424 (2017).
- Butvinová, P. Butvin, I. Maťko, D. Janičkovič, M. Kuzmiski, A. Slawska-Waniewska, P. Švec, M. Chromčíková: Accents in modern high saturation nanocrystalline Fe-rich alloys. Acta Physica Polonica 131,711-713 (2017)
- M. Chromčíková, B. Hruška, M. Lissová, J. Holubová, M. Liška: The Raman spectra of PbO-WO3-P2O5 glasses. Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. 57, 32-36 (2016).
- M. Chromčíková, J. Vokelová, J. Michálková, M. Liška, J. Macháček, O. Gedeon, V. Soltész: Chemical durability of gama-irradiated glass fibrous insulation.
Nuclear Technology, 193, 297-305 (2016).
- M. Chromčíková, M. Teplanová, A. Plško, M. Lissová, M. Liška: Crystallization kinetics of borosilicate glasses for CHROMPIC nuclear waste vitrification.
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. 56, 49-52 (2015). - M. Chromčíkova, M. Liška, V. Zemanová, A. Plško, B. Hruška, T. Gavenda: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of CaO-P2O5 glasses.
J. Therm. Anal. Calorimetry 121, 269-274 (2015). - M. Liška, M. Lissová, A. Plško, M. Chromčíková, T. Gavenda, J. Macháček: Thermodynamic model and Raman spectra of ZnO-P2O5 glasses.
J. Therm. Anal. Calorimetry 121, 85-91 (2015). - M. Chromčíková, M. Liška: Application of Thermophysical Methods for Oxide/Silicate Glasses.
Advanced Materials Research 1126, 99-104 (2015). - M. Liška, J Macháček, M Chromčíková, O Gedeon: Thermodynamic model and structure of ZnO-MoO3-P2O5 Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. 56, 63-66 (2015).
- M. Chromčíková, M Liška, J. Holubová, Z. Černošek: Structure of As2S3-Sb4S4 glasses by combined Raman spectroscopy and thermodynamic modelling approach. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 401, 115-118 (2014).
- M.Chromčíková, M. Liška, J. Macháček, J. Chovanec: Thermodynamic model and viscosity of Na2O-MgO-CaO-SiO2 glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 401, 237-240 (2014).
- M. Liška, M. Chromčíková, J. Holubová, Z. Černošek: Thermodynamic model and structure of As2S3-As2Se3 glasses based on the MCR analysis of Raman spectra. Ceramics – Slikáty, 58, 95-98 (2014).
- J. Chovanec, M. Chromčíková, M. Liška, J. Shánělová, J. Málek: Thermodynamic model and viscosity of Ge-S galsses. J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 116, 581-588 (2014).
- M. Chromčíková, M. Liška, T. Gavenda, J. Macháček: Structure of Na2O-MgO-CaO-SiO2 glasses by combined Raman spectroscopy and thermodynamic modelling approach. J. Therm. Anal. Calorimetry, 118, 835-840 (2014).
- Butvinová P. Butvin, I. Maťko, P. Švec, M. Chromčíková, J. Sitek, J. Dekan: Magnetic and surface properties of high-induction nanocrystalline Fe-Nb-Cu-B/P-Si ribbons. Transaction on Magnetics 50, 1-4 (2014).
Doctoral studies:
The person responsible for profile subjects.
Study part: Profile subjects:
Inorganic technologies and materials I and Inorganic technologies and materials II
Atom structure and chemical bond theory, Chemistry, thermochemistry and chemical kinetics, Types of chemical reactions and chemistry of selected chemical
compounds, Thermal analysis I, Thermal analysis II,
Scientific part:
Supervisor of PhD. students
Experimental work I-IX, Publication activity I and II, Active participation in a conference I and II
Ing. – 2002, Fakulta priemyselných technológií, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
PhD. – 2007, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Doc. – 2019, FunGlass, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Other activities:
Membership in scientific societies:
- Slovenská sklárska spoločnosť / Slovak Glass Society
- Česká sklárska spoločnosť / Czech Glass Society
- Vedecko-technická spoločnosť / Scientific and Technical Society
- Technický výbor TC03 medzinárodnej sklárskej organizácie ICG / Technical committee TC03 of the international glass organization ICG
- Slovenská silikátová spoločnosť / Slovak Silicate Society
- Slovenská akreditačná komisia / Slovak Accreditation Commission
- Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra / Slovak Academic Information Agency