Beáta Pecušová, PhD. Scientific background: Preparation and characterisation of composite materials Study of thermal behaviour of glasses, glassceramics and ceramics materials /DSC, DTA and TG Study of thermo mechanical properties of advanced glass and ceramics materials Treatment and initial testing of samples before thermal analysis International projects: Centre for Functional and Surface [...]
Ali Najafzadeh, PhD.
vmokranova2024-09-05T14:42:45+02:00Dr. Ali Najafzadeh Scientific background: Layered ceramics Eutectic materials Mechanical characterization Gel-casting process Nanoindentation-induced deformation of brittle phases Mechanics of composites Finite element simulation National and international projects: NextGenerationEU, Recovery and Resilience Plan, No. 09I03-03-V04-00196, Design, analysis and mechanical characterization of laminar ceramics, 2024-2026, Principal Investigator. CEDITEK II: Support of R&D activities [...]
Akansha Mehta, PhD.
vmokranova2024-03-06T13:13:56+01:00Dr. Akansha Scientific background: Upcycling of waste glass and other industrial inorganic waste (particulary red/brown mud), Photocatalysis, Water treatment, Adsorption, Additive manufacuring, Highly porous ceramic membranes, Materials Characterization, Corrosion testing, Photoelectrochemistry, Hydrogen Production via water splitting. International projects: HORIZON 2020, WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses, 3/2017 – 2/2024, Researcher. P2-0337; [...]
Lenka Buňová, PhD.
vmokranova2023-09-05T13:05:06+02:00Lenka Buňová, PhD. Scientific background: Chemical analysis: microwave digestion, ICP-OES, ion chromatography National projects: VEGA č. 1/0530/11 – member of the research team KEGA č. 007 TnUAD-4/2013 – member of the research team KEGA č. 006 TnUAD-4/2014 – member of the research team Publication activity: 2018 D. Ondrušová, S. Božeková, L. [...]
Martina Vitázková
vmokranova2024-10-22T09:49:33+02:00Martina Vitázková In 2018 I graduated from Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Molecular biology. Topic for my master thesis was: Expression of protein B18R in E.coli, which is needed in reprogramming of pluripotent stem cells, one of the youngest methods used in the study of personalized medicine. My [...]
Orhan Sisman, PhD.
vmokranova2023-09-03T14:53:51+02:00Orhan Sisman, PhD. Scientific background: Semicondcutors Metal Oxide Nanomaterials Organic- inorganic hybrid nanomaterials Sensors Glass & Glass Ceramics International projects: HORIZON 2020, WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses, 02.2021 – 02.2023, Trencin, Slovakia, Researcher. CERIC-ERIC Project, No: 20182054, ‘Surface doping of nanostructured MOX chemical sensors by ion beam irradiation.’, 3-10.09.2018 and [...]
Ing. Anna Švančárková, PhD.
vmokranova2022-11-24T11:33:51+01:00Ing. Anna Švančárková, PhD. Scientific background: Chemical analysis in aqueus solutions / ICP OES Preparation and decomposition of glass samples National projets: APVV 0014-15 – member of the research team VEGA 2/0091/20 – member of the research team VEGA 1/0191/20 – member of the research team APVV 0218-11 – member of the [...]
Omid Sharifahmadian, PhD.
vmokranova2023-08-31T07:45:38+02:00Omid Sharifahmadian, PhD. Scientific background: Plasma Deposition Techniques (PECVD & PVD) Thin Film and surface analysis Tribology Bio Surface Engineering Thermal Spray Coatings International projects: HORIZON 2020, WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses, 02.2021 – 02.2023, Trencin, Slovakia, Researcher. Grant Awarded from CEGLASS project for doing research in Nano Research Infrastructure [...]
Dr. Germán A. Clavijo Mejía
vmokranova2024-05-15T13:12:07+02:00Dr. Germán A. Clavijo Mejía Scientific background: Engineering, fabrication, and performance evaluation of ceramics for biomedical applications Thermal spray processes Additive manufacturing processes Cell culture and molecular biology Biomedical engineering International projects: Centre for Functional and Surface-Functionalized Glasses supported by the 8th European Framework programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020. 2021. [...]
Ashokraja Chandrasekar, PhD.
vmokranova2023-08-31T07:55:09+02:00Ashokraja Chandrasekar, PhD. Scientific background: Sol-gel coatings, surface modification of metals, bioactive glasses, biomedical applications International projects: HORIZON 2020, WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase 2, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses, 04.2021 – 04.2023, Trencin, Slovakia, Researcher National projects: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - Human Resource Development Group (CSIR-HRDG), India, grant no. 09/115/0787/2018-EMR-I, [...]