Zvýšte svoje zisky z obchodovania s kryptomenami pomocou Neoprofit AI.

Deepak Patil, PhD.


Deepak Patil, PhD. Scientific background:  Glass and glass-ceramics (Oxide, chalcogenide, fluoride and phosphate) Solid-state Ionic conductors/Battery Refractory Materials, Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Proton Exchange Membrane/Fuel Cell Nuclear Waste Immobilization Impedance Spectroscopy Additive Manufacturing Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) and Polymer-CNTs composite materials CO2 sequestration/Carbon-negative Technology development  International projects: Electrolytic Precipitation of Calcium Hydroxide (EPOCH), [...]

Dr. Hamid Hassani


Dr. Hamid Hassani Scientific background: Glass Engineering Mechanical properties of glass Processing, fabrication and characterisation of ceramics Synthesis and characterisation Nanomaterials National projets: VEGA, 2023: Aluminusilicate glass and glass-ceramic materials reinforced with ion-exchange and additional functionality, Slovakia, Researcher. Publication activity:  4 Publications in scientific journals 1 Peered review book chapter 2 [...]

Junjie Zhao, PhD.


Junjie Zhao, PhD. Scientific background: oxyfluoride glass, rare earth and transition metal ion luminescence, MD simulations, aluminosilicate glass, ion exchange, mechanical properties Publication activity: Co-editor of Conference proceedings: / Scientific monographs: / Chapters in monographs: 1 Publications in scientific journals: 23 Contributed lectures at conferences: 10 Invited lectures: / Citations: 558 [...]

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