Last years students- Info

Končiaci študenti SK

Defence of the dissertation thesis (DT)

A doctoral student may submit a request for permission to defend his/her dissertation thesis to the FG Director if he/she has obtained the required number of credits and has fulfilled other conditions defined in the SP documentation. The application shall be submitted according to the study schedule of the given training institute.

Required attachments to the application for dissertation defence:

(a) the DT in at least two copies in hardcopy and in electronic version, including the Originality Check Protocol from the Central Register of Final and Qualifying Theses and Dissertations (hereinafter referred to as “CRZP”),

(b) a summary of the fulfilment of the minimum criteria

c) approval to elaborate the DT and the DT defense in a language other than Slovak,

d) a list of published works with complete bibliographic data, as well as their reviews, or reviews of them prepared by relevant institutions in the field of science, technology or art, the list of published works and reviews is submitted as an extract from the relevant database of publication activity or is verified by the University Library of TnUAD, list of presentations at scientific conferences, participation at mobilities and fellowship,

e) list of participations in scientific projects,

f) an author’s abstract of the dissertation in the number of at least 20 copies,

g) a license agreement printed from AIS after uploading the dissertation to the AIS system,

f) CV in printed form,

g) the dissertation in electronic form in PDF format identical to the hard copy, as well as the dissertation originality check statement to be sent electronically to without delay after its publication in the AIS system.

Other documents

Dissertation thesis template