The workshop “From brain drain to brain gain” at SSC2021
The purpose of the workshop was to identify and explore the best practices in attracting talent from abroad to the Visegrad Four region (Visegrad Fund). The initial concept of this event was based on the magic of networking, meaning that the best ideas are often generated by simply combining excellent minds that face a similar challenge. Being in virtual space limits our ability to interact, and therefore we came up with a more structured workshop – starting with two presentations, followed by a panel discussion and ending with brainstorming session.
June 16, 2021
15:00-15:30 Brain Migration Phenomenon – Peter Hošták, FunGlass
15:30-15:55 Brain Gain Grants – Monika Šandrejova, FunGlass
15:55-16:35 What Works and What Not – panel discussion
Panelists: prof. Galusek (FunGlass, Trencin), prof. Wagner (University of Pardubice), prof. Handke ( AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Krakow) and Dr. Balazsi (Centre for Energy Reserach, Budapest).
16:35 – 16:50 Break
16:50 – 17:20 Exploring Glass Together
Brainstorming session on how to build bridges between scientists, designers/artists and industry. What potential can the cooperation of chemists, designers and companies doing in the field of glass have? How can they support each other, connect internationally and shape the future of the region?
Moderated by leading glass designers active in the local creative industry – Dominika Belanská, Michala Lipková, and Jakub Pollág. This session is prepared in cooperation with Ms.Lucia Dubačová from Trencin2026 (team in charge of our town´s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture title).

Peter Hostak

Monika Šandrejová

Prof. Tomas Wagner

Prof. Dusan Galusek

Prof. Bartosz Handke

Prof. Katalin Baalzsi

Michala Lipková

Jakub Pollag