June 14 – 17, 2021
Trenčín, Slovak Republic
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Organized by
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic,
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic,
AGH – University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Cracow,
Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary,
supported by
The project supports the organization of the 14th International Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry (SSC) and supplementary “brain drain reversal” events. The conference will provide framework for the presentation and discussion of ideas in the developing and inspiring field of solid-state chemistry. The project uses this scientific event as a platform to explore tactics to reverse brain drain in the context of networking activities between senior researchers and early stage researcher (ESR) from the V4 region and their active interaction with invited speakers from around the world. The ultimate goal of the project is to identify best practices in recruiting and retaining excellent early stage researchers in leading V4 research institutions in the field of chemistry. These institutions have been adversely affected by a brain drain that has been triggered as a side effect of the transformation processes that began after the fall of Communism and continues to this day when research institutions have to adapt to the challenges of global competition for talent.
The ambition of the project is to familiarize the senior researchers of the participating V4 institutions with proven talent management strategies (especially in terms of adapting to the influx of talent from abroad) that will empower them to turn brain drain into brain gain. Particular attention will be paid to sharing best practices that have already been implemented among participating V4 institutions.

We would like to inform you about detailed program of the workshop “From brain drain to brain gain”:
Workshop Program:
- Brain Migration Phenomenon – Peter Hošták, FunGlass (15:00-15:30)
- Brain Gain Grants – Monika Šandrejova, FunGlass (15:30-15:55)
- What Works and What Not – panel discussion (15:55-16:35)
Panelists: prof. Galusek (FunGlass, Trencin), prof. Wagner (University of Pardubice), prof. Handke ( AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Krakow) and Dr. Balazsi (Centre for Energy Reserach, Budapest).
Break (16:35 – 16:50)
- Exploring Glass Together – (16:50 – 17:20)
Brainstorming session on how to build bridges between scientists, designers/artists and industry. Moderated by leading glass designers active in the local creative industry – Dominika Belanská, Michala Lipková, and Jakub Pollág. This session is prepared with Trencin2026 (team in charge of our town´s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture title).
Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, the conference “From Brain Drain to Brain Gain” at SSC 2021 will be held online on June 14-16, 2021.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the 14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry has been postponed from September 2020 to June 2021.
Monday, June 14, 2021
- Grand Opening
- Start of Virtual poster session
- Book of Abstracts release
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
V4 Research Day
- Session 1: Materials and processes of data storage, Advanced glasses, ceramics and polymeric materials and nanomaterials
- Session 2: Functional materials
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Workshop “From Brain Drain to Brain Gain”
- Brain Migration Phenomenon – Peter Hošták, FunGlass (15:00-15:30)
- Brain Gain Grants – Monika Šandrejova, FunGlass (15:30-15:55)
- What Works and What Not – panel discussion (15:55-16:35)
Panelists: prof. Galusek (FunGlass, Trencin), prof. Wagner (University of Pardubice), prof. Handke ( AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Krakow) and Dr. Balazsi (Centre for Energy Reserach, Budapest).
Break (16:35 – 16:50)
4. Exploring Glass Together – (16:50 – 17:20)
Brainstorming session on how to build bridges between scientists, designers/artists and industry. Moderated by leading glass designers active in the local creative industry – Dominika Belanská, Michala Lipková, and Jakub Pollág. This session is prepared with Trencin2026 (team in charge of our town´s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture title).
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Best Young Scientist Poster Award
Evaluation committee:
- Prof. D. Galusek (Funglass Trencin)
- Prof. A. Boccaccini (FAU Erlangen)
- Prof. E. Bernardo (University of Padova)
- Prof. T. Wagner (University of Pardubice)
- Prof. M. Reben (AGH Krakow)
- Dr. K. Balazsi (Centre for Energy Research Budapest)
ECA – Migration and Brain drain
The Economics of International Student and Scholar Mobility
What drives Brain drain and Brand gain
Brain circulation – theoretical considerations
Brain drain – Brain gain_European Labour Markets
Brain drain and Brain gain in Russia – migration of researchers
Brain drain in the EU addressing the challange
Brain drain in the Western Balkan
Does the emigration of skilled labor from Hungary merit being Brain drain
Female Brain drain in Poland and Germany
From Brain drain to Brain circulation
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain in the EU
Globalization, brain drain and development
Ireland – Brain drain to Brain gain
Labour market efficiency and emigration in Slovakia and EU neighbouring countries
Local and regional dimension – Brain drain
Migration of highly skilled women
New Trends in Brain drain Studies
Shifting from academic Brain drain to Brain gain in Europe
Supporting the transformation of the Slovak economy by increasing its innovative performance
The Brain drain of people from Slovakia
Turning Brain drain into Brain circulation in Central Asia
Visegrad Countries and Migration Leadership Potential
ERC (IST Austria – presentation)
MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowships
MSCA – work programme 2021-2022
Research infrastructure – work programme 2021-2022
Cluster 3 – Civil Security for Society
Cluster 8 – Climate, Energy and Mobility
Cluster 5 – Culture, creativity and inclusive society
Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry and Space
Cluster 9 – Food, Bioeconomy, Agriculture, Environment
EIC – work programme 2021-2022
EIE – work programme 2021-2022
FunGlass – Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass
Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin
Studentska 2, 911 50 Trencin
Slovak Republic
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